Listening to a mix of Daniel Tiger and worship music, I noticed the immense beauty that is autumn. When I paused to think about it, fall is where things are dying, so that they can be made new again. Trees lose their leaves. Grass turns brown. Flowers that bloom annually hide away. Even though things are “dying,” they’re dying so that the earth can rest in winter, and then come spring we see again a beloved picture of how God is renewing all things. Nature is preparing for the sabbath of winter–a lovely and much needed rest after the heat of summer. In an effort to rest my soul, I’ve painted. What began as an “Oh my goodness what have I signed up for?!” moment, has turned into a highly anticipated time where I can hear myself think. Is this always the case? No, because I have three littles running around. But just for a moment, I hear the reminder that not only is God renewing all things in nature, but He is actively working to make me new as well. And you know what friend? He’s doing the same for you. I’m praying you feel close to the Lord today, that you see and feel the reminder that He is with you, He is present, He is working for the good of those who love Him, and He is making all things new.
As I’ve been walking this journey, I’ve been reading Genesis and reading through my favorite prayer book–Every Moment Holy.
“Walk with us now, O Lord,
In the stillness of this tilled and quiet space,
And when we venture again into the still greater garden of your world, we might be prepared by the long practice of your presence, to offer our lives as a true and nourishing provision to all who hunger for
and hope
and meaning,
A true and nourishing provision all who hunger for you.”
An excerpt from @everymomentholy, A Liturgy for Gardening
Praying this prayer for you today, friend.
xo, Courtney
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