Ashlyn Carter’s Primed to Launch—the game-changer investment for my business


April 6, 2021

book your wedding
picasso, the million dollar napkin and live painting
I create timeless heirloom paintings for couples looking for an original and intentional way to capture their wedding day, and I do it live.

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Flashback to 2019 when I “released” some random ornaments and notecards to my Instagram fam on a whim, had a small handful of followers and no email list—sold nearly nothing because also did I mention I released them on like, December 10? 

“Without publicity a terrible thing happens: nothing.”

P.T Barnum, Showman & Promoter

I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and in my mind people would care about my launch because I cared about it! 

Ashlyn Carter’s Primed to Launch was hands-down the GAME CHANGER investment for me, and if you’re wondering if it’s right for you, you should keep reading (spoiler alert, you should probably do it).

**PS–not an affiliate, just adore Ashlyn Carter, my kids think we FaceTime (oh hey YouTube ), and this course is seriously the best ever.

ashlyn carter's primed to launch review


Let me start by saying because of Ashlyn, I started this blog.  I love writing, and I love sharing my thoughts, but it wasn’t until this course that I thought, “you know what?! I could actually do this!” Also debated a YouTube channel, but I’m not quite sure I’m ready for that one yet!

In this course Ashlyn takes you through the entire process of creating your content calendar, and not just simply “planning what to say on what day.” She gives up her own amazing strategy for creating the editorial calendar that will truly make your launch MEANINGFUL to others (not just to you). 

Click here, here, and here to see some examples of content I wrote for my previous launch of commissions and live wedding painting.

Can I get an AMEN?!

There was SO SO MUCH about creating content that I didn’t know–and if you take a peek (i.e. get a snack and coffee because it’s like a Netflix binge for business) on Ashlyn’s YouTube channel, you’ll get so much amazing info, you KNOW that if you’re paying her for this, it’s going to be even better.

PS—I started off JUST buying the playbook, but found out super quickly how valuable this info was, emailed her support team, and asked to buy the whole thing! It’s JUST THAT GOOD (and budget-friendly, which is a must for me).

I truly didn’t know what I didn’t know about writing copy (and how much writing copy affects launches, brand awareness, etc.) and Ashlyn taught me everything I now know.


I don’t know if this is “officially” part of Ashlyn’s course or not, but I did this in tandem.  Ashlyn has an amazing brand voice guide—google it—and it has taken me a while to get used to this new and amazing method.  

Storytime? I’m an English lit major, and when I wrote, I typically wrote pretty eloquently (and this example is toned DOWN!).  (See that word—eloquently? That’s how I used to write…like a college professor.) When you’re used to writing for professors, that’s how you write. 

Throughout PtL course content and Ashlyn’s Brand Voice Guide (and with the help of my fave college professor who DESPISED passive voice), I write to my person, my ideal client, my BFF.  I write like I talk. And NEWSFLASH?! (gosh this is devastating for me to say out loud) WE DON’T TALK IN PERFECT ENGLISH.

It’s like we’re having a conversation, and you know what?! Since I started that I get ACTUAL feedback that peeps who know me can HEAR me chatting with them (I’ve for sure got some Strawberry Waterloo—you get your bev of choice), and people who’ve never met me feel like they know me.  Which come to think of it, is probably why I enjoy listening to Ashlyn Carter so much—I feel like she’s talking to me like a friend, not just a potential customer/client.

That’s my GOAL! And know what? It’s pretty relieving to know that people know me by my voice (even if they’re reading it in an email!).


So many times planning my first launch I wanted to stop, press pause, go back, and not ACTUALLY release it to the world.  It’s scary! It’s terrifying! (Did I mention I’m working on separating MYSELF from my art and business? Seems like that might be a good blog post…I’ll keep it in mind…).

I had no idea if anyone would be interested.  My social media skills are mehhh mostly because I get burnt out on it pretty easily, but I had set a date and announced it, and truly BECAUSE of Ashlyn’s PtL program, when launch week came, I was READY.  I had concrete plans of what to say and when to say it, how to knock over the dominos for my audience so they knew what I’m selling is worth their investment (spoiler alert, it definitely is—check out my shop here), and because I have lifetime access? I was able to relisten and rewatch a lesson WHENEVER I had a question, not to mention go back to the playbook. It’s a gold mine.

Was my launch perfect? No, but I learned SO stinking much from going through Ashlyn Carter’s Primed to Launch course that not only did I feel prepared, I felt like I knew how to do it and how to launch my 1 on 1 services well.  I also can say WITHOUT A DOUBT that it will get better everytime.

No, it wasn’t perfect, but I learned. And I learned A LOT.

AND—in terms of conversion rates, after going back and looking at all of that, my launch was 100% successful based on an industry standard of 3% conversion.

Here are some MAJOR ways I grew as a business owner through my first launch of 2021:

  • Consistently released NEW content into the internet world at LEAST once a week

  • Wrote a weekly email to my insider’s club chock full of all the good stuff (plus some awesome freebies I shared)

  • Grew by 50 email subscribers (which may not sound like much, but each subscriber means SO much to me 🙂

  • Wrote 5-10 pitch emails a week, which is definitely not in my comfort zone

  • Increased BRAND AWARENESS (so basically, people know who I am)

  • Researched a shizzz ton about SEO and started using it to my advantage in each blog post 

  • Sold commission spots

  • Became a preferred vendor with Brides of Oklahoma

  • Painted a TON and learned a LOT about my own painting style, my writing style, and myself as a creative entrepreneur.

Now, here’s the thing about Primed to Launch I want you to understand.  It’s not a “get rich quick” scheme.  It’s not a quick fix.  It’s NOT any of those things that we all wish we had but don’t really wish we had because we want to earn our success in the world for REAL.

Ashlyn Carter teaches you the EXACT METHOD she uses, why it’s worked for her, and HOW you can make it work for YOU.  It’s not easy.  It’s simple, but it’s a lot of work.  If you’re willing to put in the time and effort it takes to go through her course–I can ASSURE YOU, it’s worth it.

PS—I made my first 2021 blueprint in December 2020. Not super on brand, but sits at my desk as a reminder daily. 🙂 AND — the lines and dots are filling in!!

It’s all about goals, and Ashlyn helps you figure out EXACTLY what you want out of your business in the year and PLAN to make it happen.  

So, POP THE CHAMPAGNE if you’re interested in Primed to Launch because you are sure to build your business and better it in more ways than you can even imagine. So? Thanks Ashlyn for this amazing course that should really be way more expensive than it is (but thanks for making it affordable so I could buy it!).

Truly, PTL for ptl. It’s amazing. RUN, don’t walk, and GET PRIMED TO LAUNCH. **Again, not an affiliate.

AND — since I am an artist… start your office art collection HERE with this free print!

–and get your peaceful phone background here


Bringing your wedding day to life, thrilling your guests with a show-stopping live wedding painting experience, and creating a timeless keepsake that honors your sacred bond and will warm your heart every time you look at it – it’s what I do best.

Hey, I'm Courtney.

From behind the easel, I serve timeless brides who still embrace the unexpected by creating heirloom painting experiences that are immersive, one-of-a-kind, and thrilling to watch.

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With a slightly abstract Impressionist live painting experience that captures the love and joy of your story, shows off the beauty of your wedding day, and helps everyone who enters your future home to feel your wedding day, you’ll finally have THE THING that makes your wedding day unforgettable.

And your guests? They'll talk about your wedding forever because of the experience you gave them.


This is way more than just a wedding painting.