Let’s back up.
7 year old Courtney loved Barbies, American Girl dolls, board games, card games (not Old Maid — a story for another time), Disney princesses and reading.
7 year old Courtney did NOT like the idea of getting a CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT instead of a TOY. (Seriously, Mom?)
We were at a dance competition — our first one — poking around the gift shop between classes with the other girls in our dance team.
Each of them picked out a super cute beanie baby type toy — that was oh so cute.
After Cait and I had picked what we wanted, we were informed that no, in fact we would not be getting a toy. We would be getting an ornament.
Say what???
Tears, internal tantrums. But my mom did not surrender. We walked out of that gift shop with two matching (twins, remember?) ballerina ornaments, heads hung low and hearts full of dismay as we watched our friends all playing together with their new toys.
Fast forward 20 years…
My family and my twin sister’s family, have joined my parents for the annual tree trimming (now much simpler since their Balsam Hill tree basically turns on with a swish and a flick). Unwinding beads, unwrapping Mark Jacobs elves (more on this next week), and tossing the tissue aside from these Christmas ornaments and lo and behold…
I unwrap one of our two ballerina ornaments.
And instead of being upset, I tell my two year old daughter the story of how we got it, why we got it, and why it’s special.
And again with the sparkly animals in the woods glass bulb.
And the years of Fitz and Floyd ornaments — Santas, woodland animals, angels from years past.
The Washington DC ornament from when my twin lived in DC.
The Oklahoma Centennial ornament from 2007 where our Pom squad joined other Pom squads from across the state to dance onstage — and I met REBA. We’re not on a first name basis, but there’s hope for the future, I’m sure.
And the oat rice thing that was supposed to be a wreath that Cait and I made in preschool…
And so many more…
It was then that I realized the foresight my mother had — that a memory could be preserved in time through an ornament.
Ornaments have the capacity to remind us of days, moments, years that we might otherwise forget.
These things we get out once a year give us a unique way to treasure these moments that we’ve experienced. The ones we unpacked at my parents’ are truly heirlooms that my mom will pass down to us, and we will pass down to our kids. Heirlooms that come with nostalgia and stories and the joy of reliving them.
Yearly, I find myself anticipating unboxing OUR ornaments.
The 1989 from the year my husband was born.
The She Said Yes inscribed with our engagement.
The Theta kite.
And this year especially, the Edward ornament — the one I made for my first dog-child — is near and dear to my heart since he passed in March.
These ornaments carry stories and tales of those sweet special moments, frozen in time.
So even if you don’t buy an ornament from me this year, do your future self a favor and get one to commemorate 2022 — because whether this year has been good or bad, there are stories to tell for years to come.
And JUST FOR YOU? Here’s a preview of this year’s 2022 Holiday Collection.

You know the feeling when…
it’s the first snow, a crisp wind is on your face, and Bing Crosby’s White Christmas starts playing? This collection is that feeling.
The moment you put these heirlooms on your tree, everything feels *complete.*
This is for anyone who…
plans on being anywhere you celebrate, which could mean riding the polar express in a blizzard or traveling like Cameron Diaz in The Holiday, in the desert, on the snow, or in a very air-conditioned beachside villa in the Maldives. I don’t make the rules ok! Just the ornaments.

Refers to herself as “decorative wrap,” not wrapping paper. Peppermint Mocha Latte in the AM, Americano with an extra shot of ristretto espresso after dinner. Matte finish. Pinkies up. Also, these prints? Courtney Kibby drew each one by hand, so it’s extra special.

THE HEIRLOOMS — These Christmas Ornaments are one of a kind.
You’ll pass these down to the next generation. Super luxe, embellished with gold, better-than-Hallmark-channel. The perfect ornament for every stage of your life, no matter what your Christmas tree looks like.
I talk about how to take care of your Christmas ornaments so they last forever here.

Live-in-able elegance. Pairs well with Charles Dickens’ The Christmas Carol and a hot-buttered rum. 100% high-quality, hand-painted, and handcrafted, 100% never taking these off.

A peek at the collection using Taylor Swift’s Midnights Album…

This collection will make you want to shout compliments at yourself as you hang ornaments on your tree, wear your sassy new jewelry, and as you stow the wrapped gifts under the tree. Also, it’s insanely unique. Courtney Kibby drew every pattern by hand, so it’s extra special. We want it NOW!!!
[…] It’s no secret Taylor Swift is one of the most dynamic music sensations of all time. She even just recently became the FIRST artist to knock everyone else off the Billboard Top 10 with her latest release, Midnights. […]